Velveteen Lops - almost a recognized breed!
Where did velveteens come from?
Velveteens originated in Texas from a lady who decided to breed Mini Rexs and English Lops. She then came up with the Velveteen Lop...which by the way I think is a perfect name that suits the breed just right. Velveteens are a perfect mix between a Mini Rex and an English Lop. They have the soft fur of the Rex, the perfect compromise of ear length from the English Lop-in my opinion English Lop's ears are too delicate and a little too long in length, but the Velveteens seem much hardier when it comes to ears. Also the Veleveteens have picked up the lovable disposition of the English Lops. Every where we go people love our velveteens, including us. They have the size of the Mini Rex which allows them to not take up as much space as the English Lops.
Body Type
Senior Bucks and Does have to be between 5 to 6 1/2 pounds and Juniors have to be a minimum of 3 1/2 pounds. They should have a mandolin Shape, and they should have definite arch to there body when posed. When they are looked at from the top the sides should taper slightly from the hind quaters to the shoulders. Dewlaps are permissable.
The ears should hang low on the head and there should be no noticeable crown. They should open slightly towards the front when posed right and not turned towards the head. The ear length is to be a minimum of 15" unlike the English Lop who's ear length is to be a minimum length of 23". The width of the ears should be at least 1/4 of the length of the ear. The thickness of the ears is not directly stated but they should be thick enough as to not be easily torn or blemished. The ears are not to be pointed at the tips they should have an even roundness to them.
The fur is to be as close to a rex's fur as possible it is to be dense, straight and up right, with a length of 5/*" or more. The guard hairs are not to be protruding out so as they are to be noticed and they are to be plentiful and evenly distributed. The fur is to have lustrous appearance. good, body, and a plush like effect, should a springy resistance like touch. The fur is to fell extremely soft and smooth, but it shouldn't have to much of a silky texture that would detract from the coat.
For coloring you can look in the ARBA standard of Perfection under the lop color guide. All of the varieties and eye colors are listed there. Velveteen Lop varieties are not part of the rex color guide, so don't look there for information.
Velveteens are by far the best rabbits personality-wise we have ever had. They are sweet, friendly, cute, curious, oh and don't forget funny. They love attention, and they love to come out and play. It is hard to keep them in their cages. They have never bitten us on purpose for any reason. We love them so much. If you have ever owned an English Lop they have a similar personality.
My mom has had velveteen lops in her science classroom for many years and they thrive on the constant attention and activity inthe room. Each of them was easily potty-trained and were/are popular school mascots!