Flemish Giant - The Universal Breed
Sr. Bucks- 8 months and over 13 + lbs Sr. Does- 8 months and over 14 + lbs
Int. Bucks and Does- 6-8 months wieght varies
Jr. Bucks and Does- Under 6 months must have a minium wieght is 6 1/2 lbs
General looks
They have a Semi Arch body type. The body should long and they should be muscular, not fat though. Also to have broad shoulders, a full chest, wide hindquarters, and forequarters. The arch of the body should start from right behind the shoulder blades and drop gradually, reaching its highest point above the huanches.
The head is to be large, broad and in proportion to the body, bucks should have a more wide massive look to them*. The ears must be at least 5 3/4" in length, ideal 6", and they should have a good strong ear base. They are to have large, thick bone type throughout the body and legs. In my opinion this breed isn't for beginners in the rabbit business mainly due to their size and strength.
*Note: Flemish Giant Bucks can take over a year or more to mature, so don't expect the characteristic massive head to develop until past his first year. We have had several bucks that did not mature until well into their second year so don't give up!
They need lots of excersize and food to keep their wieght up and be muscular but not fat at the same time. Also in my experience, which isn't much, sometimes they can be tempermental and cranky, while most of the time they are fine.
Our Flemish buck is that way, sometimes he is perfectly fine and sweet/friendly, while when he is somewhere he doens't like or if he is stressed he gets very cranky and starts biting people and throwing whatever is within his reach every where. But for the most part if you are ready to take on a 13 + pound breed they are a very fun and impressive breed to own.
They can make great house pets if potty trained. And they seem to love cavy buddys. Ours each have a pair and we were at the AZ state convention this year and there was another breeder that was next to us that had a cavy friend sitting in the carrie cages with each of there Flemishs. It was like each Flemish his/her own little pet, very cute.
We have attended two National Conventions (Texas and California) and in both, won "Best Light Grey", proving that our Flemish line is strong.
Pinched rump, to fat, flabby, to narrow in the hind end, thin ears, weak ear base, medium bone type, thin or soft coat.
A short blocky body type with no arch, body length under 20" in Sr.'s. Ear length under 5 3/4", ear tips that fold down or over, short legs thin boned, weak ankles.
Flemish's only come in 7 colors: Black, Blue, Fawn, Light grey, steel gray, sandy, and white. We specialize in steel and light grey, with a rare white thrown in some litters.
Black: The surface color shall be solid black. The undercolor shall be slate blue. Eyes: Brown.
Blue: The surface color shall be dark blue. The undercolor shall be slate blue. Eyes: gray.
Fawn: The surface color shall be a rich, golden straw color. The undercolor shall blend to a pale cream next to the skin. Belly surface color, undercolor, and underside of tail shall be a light cream to white. Cratch marks are accepted. Eyes: brown.
Light Grey: The surface color shall be a uniform light gray, with ticking of black tipped guard hairs. It shall be an agouti coat, with distinct bands visable when blowing into the coat. The undercolor shall be a slateblue next to the skin, and there shall be an intermediate band of off white. Belly surface color shall be white, with slate blue undercolor. Crotch marks are accepted. Underside of tail shall be a continuation of the belly surface color. Eyes: Brown.
Sandy: The surfaface color shall be a redish snady, interspersed with contrasting dark ticking. The undercolor shall show a brassy reddish intermediate color with slate blue undercolor next tot he skin. The ears shall be laced with black. The belly and underside of the tail shall be a cream to white, except for the crotch marks. Eyes: Brown.
Steel Gray: Surface color shall be a black steel gray, with a moderate amount of light gray tipped guard hairs evenly distributed. This color shall be even over the entire body, including head, ears, feet and legs. The undercolor shall be a slate blue, carried down tot he skin. Belly surface color shall be white as possible with slate blue undercolor. Underside of tail shall be a coninuation of the belly surface color. Crotch marks are accepted. Eyes: Brown.